Call for Posts: First Blog Carnival on Privilege

28 02 2010

What: Posts on any aspect of privilege.

When: Due March 28, 2010.

Where: E-mail post links to and see the carnival at A Lesbian & A Scholar.

I’ve been trying to find some good blog posts about privilege recently, and so I tried Googling for a blog carnival on privilege to find a round-up.  I was surprised that there doesn’t appear to have been a blog carnival on privilege yet, with the exception of one carnival specifically exploring white privilege from a Muslim perspective.  So I decided to host the first Blog Carnival on Privilege.  Here’s how it works:

Write a post about privilege.  It can be general, perhaps about how privilege operates, how we internalize it, or how it applies to particular spheres.  It can also be specific, maybe about white privilege, male privilege, straight privilege, cis privilege, ability privilege, class privilege, Western privilege, or a category I’ve left out here.  You might talk about privilege in the blogosphere, or in the workplace, or in academia, or in the media.  You might tell a story from your own life, or provide some tips on how to approach privilege.  Anything goes.

You have until March 28, 2010 to write the post, put it on your blog or website, and give me the link.  Please include a link, the name of your blog or website, and the name you’d like me to use on the carnival post (preferably a first name or alias/username).  If all goes well, I’ll do some future carnivals focusing on a specific privilege and start rotating the hosting, but let’s get through one first!

Any questions, comment to this post or e-mail me.  Please feel free to re-post this announcement liberally!

Breaking News for Marriage Equality!

24 02 2010

Maryland Attorney General opinion means that MD will recognize out-of-state same sex marriages. Heh, maybe I should’ve gotten married when I was in Iowa before moving to Maryland.

Stop the Presses, Ellen Called Portia “Baby”

12 02 2010

My Google Reader was all abuzz today about Ellen Degeneres and Portia Rossi on Oprah, so I decided to check out the appearance. Now I know Oprah’s kind of schmaltzy anyway, and I’m sure she had the best of intentions, but the episode kind of struck me the wrong way from the opening segment. Oprah talks about a photoshoot where Portia walked into the room and Ellen’s eyes lit up, and how beautiful that was, and how she said “Hey Baby,” and how cute that was, etc. It had a very animals-in-a-zoo feel to me. “Look at the lesbians in their natural habitat!” Yes, Ellen’s eyes lit up when Portia walked into a room, because it’s her wife. I’m just saying.